To all reading this thread,

ACM> Why not do the following.

ACM> Filter all known mail to specific folders.

ACM> Filter all unknown mail to a spam folder. This will comprise a
ACM> single filter that goes below all the others. It is to move all
ACM> messages to the spam folder. Switch the sound off for this folder as
ACM> well.

Ok... I can't resist chiming in.  There has been alot of talk about
spam recently in here and I'll offer what MY sollution to it is.  I
use SpamWeasel.  It's a free download from
I'm sure there are other programs that would work equally as well but
this is the one I chose that met MY needs the best.

This is not directed at anyone in particular.  I'm just airing my
opinion.  Don't anyone get their hackles up.  ;)

A few people keep saying how wonderful it is to sort their spam to a
different folder.  While this is a neat feature of TB! that can be used
for some things, I feel it is NOT intended to sort spam.  Who really
wants to look at the stuff even once?  Install SpamWeasel and you can
have the spam deleted before you even see it.

In all fairness, I haven't completely done away with spam in my inbox.
 I err on the side of safety and let some through.  It has 5 priority
 levels for filters and can take different actions for each priority.
  It can be a bear to get it setup to your liking, but once there it's
  a no brainer to use.  Completely transparent to the user.  In my
  highest priority level it ignores people in my address book and
  newsletters and such.  Those mails just slide right on in.  I
  gradually tighten security at each lower
  level till I'm deleting anything that would be 99% likely to be
  spam.  One level in the middle adds "-SPAM-" to the subject
  line of the message and allows it through.  The second lowest level
  sends the message to an archive which I check on a weekly basis just
  to be sure there are no foulups.

  As I said, it can be a pain to setup.  I had to create a couple of
  filter rules myself, but I'm no rocket scientist and did it just by
  looking in the other rule files and following the examples there.
  Do a little cutting and pasting, add a couple tweaks, and you have a
  new rule it can sort on.  I haven't done much with TB! filters but I
  imagine it's quite similar in many respects.

  I spent one evening setting SpamWeasel up on my system.  I made a
  few errors in judgment (setting the wrong priority for a filter...)
  that needed to be fixed in the next few nights, but since then it
  has been very low maintenance.  It simply works.  Just add a new
  friend's email to it's list now and then.

  I do not work for nor am I being paid by Mailgate.  I just like a
  program that does what it is advertised to do.  That's why we all
  run an E-mail client with such a low market share isn't it? It

  <steps down from soapbox>

  I can see where it might be advantageous to keep having TB! sort your
  mail, but I personally would do it AFTER 80-90% of the spam has been
  weeded out and deleted.  Just my opinion.


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