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Hi Dave,

@13-Nov-2002, 11:48 -0800 (19:48 UK time) Dave Crocker [DC] in
mid:995196892.20021113114857@;tribalwise.com said:

 ... <snip>

DC> Still, I frequently find that I am composing a new message and
DC> then discover it is affiliated with the wrong account.  This is
DC> important.  At the least, I need the Signature text to be
DC> changed.  (Some accounts are associated with different roles and
DC> jobs.)

DC> Does anyone have any suggestions, either with the current TB or
DC> perhaps a feature upgrade?

TB uses the %ISSIGNATURE macro to denote that a Quick Template
contains text that should replace the current signature when
invoked. Any such QT, when invoked, removed the current signature
(below the cut mark) and replaces it with the QT content. All this
without moving the cursor. (One of my personal fave "cute"

All and any signatures in my templates are mere %QINCLUDE='xxx'
statements. I also use pretty short codes for my sigs. Using the
"Edit shortcuts" functionality I can also assign hotkeys to certain
QT macros. This I have done for my main signatures.

So, by using QTH<Ctrl-Space> (where QTH is the handle of the
signature) it is easy to replace the signature (below the cut mark)
in any current message without flinching from the task at hand.

If your signatures are all specific on a per-account basis, then I
can't see any reason why this thesis shouldn't extend to using the
%account="xyz" to change the active account in the same process,
simplifying the whole deal to a single hotkey. I don't do it that
way myself and there may be a flaw in taking it that far that I
haven't yet thought of. Still. It sounds a neat idea to me.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.62/Beta7 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1rc1-nr1 (Windows 2000)


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