Barry2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said on Tuesday, November 12, 2002, 6:47:18 PM

> Hello Mitch,

> Tuesday, November 12, 2002, 3:35:37 AM, you wrote:

MW>> Barry2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said on Monday, November 11, 2002, 7:18:49 PM

MW>> Aren't you concerned about losing legitimate mail in the spam screen?

> Not at all - all mail headers are looked at before deciding whether to
> download or not. You soon learn to spot the legitimate mail so that
> leaves the SPAM, again easy to spot, and the unfamiliar mail which
> comes in for a closer inspection. If suspicious looking then it either
> gets deleted or left on the server till we can check it out more
> thoroughly.

I know from experience that I can't always tell legitimate mail from
spam just by glancing at the headers. Most of the time, yes, but not
all the time.


Mitch Wagner
Technology Journalism and Consulting
Resumé and clips
+1 (619) 461-4316

Contributing writer to BtoB Magazine,, Network
World, SDTimes, TechWeb.

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