On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 06:50, Steve Mullarkey wrote:

> You might like to look at Avant Browser <www.avantbrowser.com>. It's
> free, short download (713k), MDI, blocks unwanted pop-up windows and
> has many navigation features I find useful.
> It is based on IE so if that's a problem for you ....

An IE skin. How pretty.

God knows why they bother.

I mean, having uninstalled IE from my Wintendo-boxens, do you think that
713k is worth their time of download. No, my friend - the browser is
more in the range of 20->40 megs in size. It has just been installed
automagically for you earlier.

Same shit, new wrapping I say.

> I switched a couple of weeks ago from Opera 5/6 with excellent
> results.

Can I be rude enough to ask what on earth made you switch back to the
no.1 browser in security flaws /ever/?

Sorry, a bit grumpy in the morning here in Norway ;-). Troll and
flamebait? Definetly.

Jakob Breivik Grimstveit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Bitwise Computing

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