Hi Peter,
On Sunday, December 1, 2002 at 17:58:12 [GMT +0100], you wrote:

LG>> This should more or less automate deleting downloaded mail from the
LG>> server.

PP> No. Sadly it wont. The "Delete from server" would issue the 'DELE'
PP> command, but if his line is dropped after 20 minutes the POP3
PP> session is shut down improperly and the server therefore ignores all
PP> DELE commands.

Yes, it will. If a filter is set to delete messages from the server, it
will only do so during the next mail check after the filter was
triggered (I just tested this, just to be sure).

If I understand Thomas correctly, his line isn't dropped every time he
fetches his mail. So the deletion would eventually take place without
user intervention.

PP> RFC states DELE should be _real_ executed (on servers
PP> side) after QUIT was submitted, because before a client could still
PP> send 'RSET' which (a.o.) 'undeletes'.

OK, I knew that already. But I assumed that -- having downloaded most of
the mails already -- Thomas' connection wouldn't reach the 20 minutes
limit during a subsequent mail check and therefore *would* delete the
messages when the connection is closed correctly.


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