Is it possible to use the Alternative Forward method
only for selected contacts in my address book ?

I ask because my Mother (you may remember her, she
exchanges lots of “funnies” with her friends HTML
animated Gifs etc. She switched to the Bat and is very
happy but has problems when she forwards these
abominations) has a friend whom I believe is using
Outlook on XP who insists she cannot open .msg files.
I set my Mums Bat to always forward using .msg but
this friend wants her to forward in line.

Can anyone offer any advice that I can forward to help
her open .msg files because If Mum starts using non
mime forwarding all her “funnies” will end up as just
a series of attachments and the rest of her friends
will complain.

P.S. I am always always trying to convince people that
HTML mail is the spawn of the devil

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