Mogens Holst [MH] wrote:'

MH> You are probably right and it could just be a coincidence. But I
MH> dismantled ZAP 2 months ago and my problems disappeared - and
MH> they did not come back when I installed Kerio 3 weeks ago .

I doubt it was a coincidence if this is what happened.

What problems were you having with your system. Was it blue
screening or locking up or were you having network problems that
would only go away for a while after a fresh reboot. The latter is
more typical of ZA.

MH> XP is really stable now. I installed it in January and I have
MH> never had a system before that ran this long before it needed to
MH> be rebuild.

Same here for Win2k and XP here. TB! runs just fine on both systems
and both systems are very stable unless there's a serious problem.
These problems have never been secondary to applications such as

  -=] Allie C Martin [=-  {List Moderator}

MUA: TB! v1.62 Christmas Edition ___ OS: WinXP Pro (SP1)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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