Hello  Gerard,

On  Friday, 13. December 2002  at 22:10:08 [GMT +0100] you wrote:

> I see people using a Christmas edition but I don't seem to be able to
> find it on the RitLabs server.
> Can someone provide a location and also explain what is different?

> While looking for the Christmas edition I noticed that the current
> version for download is 1.62.
> Is this correct? I See 1.61 still being shown as "The current version" on
> the end of each mail of this list.

The actual version is 1.61. 1.62 is till Beta. In the moment Beta 17.
The Christmas edition is the same as beta 17, only the Splash Screen
is different; a Bat in Christmas Time.

If you can't download it anymore on the official side, go to my Page
(see below). On the upper right corner are 3 download links.


Mailer:  The Bat!1.62 Christmas Edition | Windows XP
PGP:     6.58 ckt Build 8 - Key 0xBB9237A9
ICQ:     121117424 (hardly ever online)
HP:      http://www.thebat.int.tc/

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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