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'Lo Allie,

On Sat, 14 Dec 2002 16:10:38 -0500 your time, you said:

ACM> This  is not the case with S/MIME. Can you suppress sending your public
ACM> key  block  repeatedly and with every message you send using S/MIME? In
ACM> fact, this is my main problem with using it.

That's  not  the  point  here at all really, although it is a valid point of
course.  So  are you suggesting that The Bat! should not support S/MIME? And
are you suggesting or leading up to a banning of S/MIME use on the list?

ACM> You sent an entire message amounting to 650 kbytes. This means that you
ACM> can send a decently large message that is within 3kbytes in size. Think
ACM> of  the  cummulative  bandwidth  consumption ...<snip>

So  what are you saying? That unless it is plain text and pgp signed then it
isn't  or  shouldn't  be  welcomed?  If  users want to join the list and ask
questions  about and learn how to use S/MIME then I don't think it should be
discouraged  on the basis of bandwidth issues. But if bandwidth really is an
issue  then  you  are  in a real predicament as to ban the use of one method
would  automatically  suggest favour toward the other, which people can read
in many ways of course.

I  want  to be able to securely communicate with as many people as possible,
and  if  that means using both PGP and S/MIME so be it. Yes, with S/MIME you
send  your  cert.  over  and  over and over, unlike PGP, and of course extra
bandwidth  is  used  in  the  process, I concede that. But that's the way to
propagate the standard though, and of course the more visible it is the more
likely  it  is to become commonplace, regardless of any bandwidth issues. To
to  be  frank, the bandwidth issue doesn't bother me in the slightest, and I
don't  think  it  bothers  that many people either, in my unverifiable view.
Nonetheless,  I  accept that it may be of concern for the list owner though,
and well, someone will have to make some tough decisions in that case.

- --

 Simon @ theycallmesimon.co.uk

PGP Key: http://pgp.theycallmesimon.co.uk/

Faffing about with TB! v1.62 on W2K SP3

#1249. Lars Dewy I Mrs Quo ¶

Comment: Privacy is freedom. Protect your freedom with PGP!
Comment: KeyID: 0x5C7E8966
Comment: Fingerprint: 851C F927 0296 FF1C 70A2  474F CB6E 6FFE 5C7E 8966


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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