Dear Simon,

Saturday, December 14, 2002, 9:16:42 AM, you wrote:

SB> On Sat, 14 Dec 2002 08:37:58 -0500 your time, you said:

CGS>> If  I  do  this I get to the point where the PGP log window pops up and
CGS>> that  is  where  the  process stops. I am not sure why. Simon asks what
CGS>> version  of  PGP  I  have which I think is 6.5. Is that something to do
CGS>> with this? Any ideas?

SB> I  have  been  trying  everything to replicate this Clive. I am using Imad's
SB> build  6.58  build  9  beta 03 with TB! and can't get the import keys window
SB> *not*  to show. I've changed some settings in PGP options that I thought may
SB> cause this but it doesn't make any difference, it still works!

SB> The  only  thing  I  can  think  of  is  you  have  selected  TB!'s internal
SB> implementation  of  PGP  rather  than the PGP plugin under Tools / OpenPGP /
SB> Choose OpenPGP version. That would display only the log window.

It is true that this option has been "selected" - I put this in
inverted commas because I think it is a default setting. I can't
deselect it either as the other options are grayed out and the toggle
switch won't switch off. I am not sure where we go from here??


Clive Scott
PO Box 3250 St John's Antigua West Indies

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