
DH> My own position is, we should all sign all our messages and even
DH> encrypt it. I am not the one to tell others what is important or not.

I would never tell others what they have to do, but if it ever comes
to this point, where everyone *must* sign and encrypt, then you won't
see my smiling ASCII here any longer.  To my understanding, this is
not the intent of the powers that be so no need for anyone to correct
me on this point.  Besides...wouldn't encrypting messages here defeat
the purpose of this list?  Don't we want as many people as possible to
see the wonders of The Bat! and the excellent help offered here?  Why
would we ever want to hide the messages from "outside eyes" by
encrypting them?

I saw a post (by Allie?) about people learning how to sign and encrypt
messages here.  I'm all for this!  Completely!  What I am not for is
Using the technology here in this list day after day.  Do you think I
need a certificate to beleive that you are indeed Dierk?  It's
ok...I'll take your word for it.  If we were agreeing on some contract
for services to be rendered for a price...send me a certificate so I
have legal proof if needed later. (Do they hold up in court???)  Do
you see my point?

DH> And why does this "bandwidth" argument often comes up to say "This
DH> discussion should not be held"?

I never said the discussion should not be held or at least I didn't mean
to.  What I meant is that I don't understand why people in a
discussion list would be this concerned over having proof of exactly
who posted what message (beyond the "from" line).  Also, this topic
_has_ been discussed time after time in the short while I have been
here.  It is also normally discussed in a thread of a different
subject so I can't even skip the thread for fear of an on subject
message being missed.

I've said all I can on this subject so the rest of you can have the
thread.  I'll be skipping the rest of it.


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