Title: Nachricht
Hello people,
I also have that problem with freezing (or better: slowing down my computer by 99%)
as soon as Bat is started.
It doesn't happen immediatelly after start nor regularly but often and ONLY
when BAT is started.
It was very painful to swich back to the outlook to see
if there would be freezing again.
AND I haven't had any problems again with that freezing for 2 weeks.
Yesterday I started the BAT and let it work about an hour
and it happend again, the same damn slow down of Windows.
I also completely REINSTALLED my Windows XP (without SP1)
and I didn't install any other software besides Bat.
After I started The Bat, it ran for some hours and then BANG, the freezing was there again.
I haven't had such problems with prior versions of Bat (1.5...)
It really seems to be something about the new version 1.6..
Would some of the programmers say somethig about that problem.
Do you produce too many threads which kills windows?
Or do you swich the Task priority of BAT to realtime?
It's really strange.
I'm (was) using The BAT 1.62 (Christmas Edition) and Windows XP with SP1.
I have (had) 5 POP3 accounts in The Bat which was set to get checked every 2 min.
Thanx a lot for any suggestions.
I really don't want to keep using Outlook again.

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