Hello Victor,

Saturday, December 28, 2002, 9:03:03 AM, you wrote:

VBG> I am currently using Keynote and it is great but I really
VBG> like the hard wrap functions and free style caret that TB!
VBG> provides.

VBG> Anyone know of a good text editor like that?

I'm not sure if it's "like that" (because I'm too dumb to know what
you mean be free style caret _ perhaps I should ask my bunny? <g>) but
you may like to try:


which is my editor of choice and is multi-language both in terms of
programming, html etc, and in terms of the language set.  There is a
free version (Lite), a trial version (IIRC) and the full version,
which I have. I've been using it for over 2 years now and I wouldn't
swap it for anything :)

Best regards,
 Mike                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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