Hello Melissa,

On Tue, 7 Jan 2003, at 12:15:17 GMT -0800 (1/7/2003, 2:15 PM -0500 GMT
here), you wrote in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> In general, I feel that both Hotmail and Yahoo are about the worst of
> the worst when it comes to email accounts, so it'll be a happy day
> when I finally get rid of the Yahoo account for good.

Well under test I got both Web2Pop and YahooPops to work. But after
going through some of my old links of free mail providers and thinking
about it, I've decided to let the Yahoo account live only for a Web
interface. I as you have already let my hotmail account expire.

Best regards,

Greg Strong                     
TB! v1.62 Beta/17 on Windows XP Service Pack 1

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