Hallo tbudl,

since this program has so many options... maybe there's a way to do

I'm sending SMS as Email regularly. (I send an Email to a server, and
this is sent to a cellphone as SMS) The text is in the subject field,
and I never know how many chars are left and where the text will be
cut off.

Maybe there's a way to count the chars in the subject and put the
result in the body of the mail?
Just asking, maybe someone has got an idea...


Schöne Grüße
Heiko Kuschel                     - http://www.kuschelkirche.de/
                                  - http://www.kuschelchaos.de/
Ev. Kirchengemeinde Gochsheim     - http://www.stmichael-gochsheim.de/
AMIGAplus: alles für die Freundin - http://www.amigaplus.de/

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