Hello all out there in TBUDL world,

Quite a few of my filters add the From address to specific groups within
my  Address  Book.  However, I am now noticing quite a lot of doubling -
and indeed tripling - up of addresses.

It  seems  that  the 'Add address(es) to Address Book' action bases it's
decision  on  whether  to  add the address or not on what appears in the
'Display  Name  As'  field  in  the  address book, rather than the email

As  people  seem  to  have a habit of changing their 'name' depending on
their  mood  -  or perhaps which side of the bed they got out on, or the
cycle  of  the moon, the directions of the tides or if they have reached
their daily caffeine quota, or whatever it is they base this decision on
- I am getting quite a lot of multiple entries for the same person/email

Not  to  mention  the  times  that I have manually gone in and correctly
filled  in  their name instead of 'Lame made up nickname' they insist on

As a result, one email address can be taking up numerous AB entires, for
absolutely  no reason - or certainly not a productive reason in my case.

After  all  this,  TB then seems to take an almost random approach as to
which  AB entry to pull the fields out of when used in templates... (and
this is how I discovered the multiply entires)

Is  there  a  way  to add address book entries ONLY if the email address
isn't  already  present  in the specific group? Or is this just a little
'feature' that I must learn to live with?


w http://www.danhirning.com

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