Hi Anne,

on Fri, 31 Jan 2003 17:24:34 +0000GMT (31.01.03, 18:24 +0100GMT here),

A> I'm trying to get this to work also but without success. :-( I have
A> installed the VTitleSpy in the plug in folder of Winamp,

I believe you have configured it to your needs, haven't you?

A> created the text file to store the song title and put the path in the
A> reply template: result nothing! The text file stays empty.

Really? Have you tried to view the text file with a simple text editor like
Notepad? If it is indeed empty, you haven't configured VTitleSpy correctly.
In this case go to Winamp's options -- preferences -- Plug-ins -- General
Purpose -- VOiD TitleSpy Plugin -- Configure.

If you can view the file in a text editor, the fault must be within your
template. It might be of use to see your template then to find the mistake.


"The joyfulness of a man prolongeth his days."
New Testament

Winamp currently playing: Badi Assad - Ponta De Areia                                  

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