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Hello Mjs720,

Thursday, February 20, 2003, 2:16:59 AM, you wrote:

M> 2/19/03 11:13 PM

M> Hello TBUDL,

M> I experiencing some difficulties with the Bat v1.62 and PC-cillin '03.
M> Every time PC-cillin is active and I attempt to use the Bat...I
M> experience the Bat slowing down and locking up.

M> Any suggestions?

Well,  like  you, I'm running Win98SE (using LiteStep as the GUI -- more
configurable  &  less  resource  hungry). This is on an old Packard Bell
that's  beefed up to 333mhz, 104 meg of RAM. I run Outpost Pro firewall,
NOD32 AV (including pop3 scanning), BOClean AT, Proxomitron proxying. No
notable slowdown.

Several things come to mind.

It was suggested you try a memory manager. I run one here -- MaxMem from
AnalogX. It's free. And having paid for several others, each time they'd
add  a bunch of "features", I'd end up with Access Violations & crashes.
This one just chugs along, doing its thing very nicely.

Another  possibility is system incompatibility. Way too many times, I've
seen  stuff  working perfectly on one machine, only to cause nothing but
headaches  on  another.  And  not  always  correctable  by configuration

You  didn't  say  what firewall you do run. But I have no great love for
ZAP 3 because it slowed things down here, along with other glitches. And
yet I've seen others who love it.

You  might  also  grab  a  utility  like  ProcMon or WinTop and see what
processes  are  running  (not  all  of  them  will show up in the "close
program"  box  in Win98). I've had a similar experience with my Logitech
optical  mouse,  on  several occasions. Using a process monitor, I found
that DDhelp (a DirectX helper app) was running in realtime mode (highest
priority,  above  everything  else,  including  kernel32).  I'm not sure
whether  some  website(s)  I've visited at rare times might have used it
for  some display effect or I've had some app misbehave by calling it up
&  not closing it after it's no longer needed. But that's happened to me
several times. Terminating DDhelp & rebooting always solved it.

Hopefully, something here will help. :-)

- --
Best regards,
 Bill Kraski                 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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