
On 22-02-2003 01:06, you [A] wrote in
A> Peter Fjelsten [PF] wrote:'

PF>> Actually, I only get false negatives with Bayesian and no false
PF>> positives with blacklists.

A>     No false positives with BlackLists? Wow! :)

Nevertheless the truth. As I wrote, I don't use all the default ones.

PF>> What is the basis of your statement?

A>     When I first got SpamPal, I chose the intermediate level for spam
A>     detection. I then used a filter to create a copy of all messages
A>     designated as Spam and place the copies in a special folder.

"intermediate level"?

A>     I don't use SpamPal in this way anymore. I now filter all my
A>     known mail and then have SpamPal work with what's left. It has
A>     been doing fairly well there.

This is the way mine is set up too.

PF>> I have been using SpamPal (with Bayesian) for more than a month now
PF>> with only Bayesian giving me problems.

A>     The Bayesian filter plug-in is yet to detect one of my spam
A>     messages. :/

Mine actually detect more than it should.

PF>> But I unchecked some of the Blacklists (e.g SpamCop's).

A>     I have SpamCop's enabled. With it disabled, SpamPal was missing
A>     Spam.

In my view, SpamCop is too hard. Actually, banning Korean and Chinese
IPs get me a long way (I don't know anyone there).

<greeting> Best regards </greeting> 
<author> Peter Fjelsten </author>   
<thebat version> 1.63 Beta/7 </thebat version>
<os> Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1</os>

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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