Hello John,

Saturday, February 22, 2003, 3:11:33 PM, you wrote:

JM> I looked over the manual, but it was way to vague for me.
JM> Especially when all I ever seen from the program was a DOS program.

The DOS console you saw running was not POPFile, it was the Perl
interpreter. POPFile is written in Perl scripting language, and, like
early versions of BASIC, it is not compiled, and requires a script
interpreter, for it to run.

Once Perl is running, you invoke the POPFile user interface from your
Start|Programs|POPFile menu, and it opens in your browser. Then, go back to
Start|Programs|POPFile, and invoke the Manual, which will also open in
your browser.

>From there, setup should be a breeze... it took me about 10 minutes,
and I'm sure you could get plenty of coaching here, if you got stuck.

-wittig http://www.robertwittig.com/
A business is as honest as its advertising.

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