Hello Mark Wieder,

On or about Monday, February 24, 2003 at 15:47:09GMT -0800 (which was
6:47 PM in the tropics where I live) Mark Wieder posted:

MW> Marck-

MW> Monday, February 24, 2003, 7:30:00 AM, you wrote:

MDP>> You are quite right. That doesn't work at all. Why not use the link
MDP>> to explain the RFC to the webmaster? ;-)

I have already done this, but got no answer.  neither one to a
feedback sent through another address, so I guess they are not very
responsive to ANY feedback!

MW> <grin> One point for Marck.

MW> But that *does* get us back on track. Here's what I (currently) think
MW> about this:

MW> Yes, the RFC does quite explicitly state that whitespace characters
MW> can end the field and this is a malformed url and therefore there's
MW> nothing really wrong with the way The Bat! is behaving here. But... OE
MW> *does* pick up the whole string, or so I've been told, not wanting to
MW> venture close enough to that beast to try it for myself.

This is a case of Windows 'playing favorites' with 'its own!'  If you
right click on the link and copy the e-mail address only, it does NOT
pick up the whole line!

MW> There's nothing technically hard about grabbing the whole thing -
MW> Windows does it quite easily. Right-click on the Feedback link, copy
MW> it to the clipboard, and paste it into your favorite text editor -
MW> there's the whole subject line, copied from the link, spaces and all.

See above, as it only grabs the whole link if you select copy LINK. It
won't paste properly in ANY application I could find to try it in.

MW> Grabbing the whole subject line from the link is also not a violation
MW> of the RFC - whitespace *can* end the tag, and technically you're
MW> supposed to translate the spaces to %20s and it's considered bad form
MW> if you don't, but I don't see a problem with TB working the way people
MW> expect it to instead of minimally conforming to the RFC.

I disagree with any deviation from the RFC's at all, if we expect TB!
to be mainstream.  MS Outhouse is mainstream by default, as most don't
know better, and there is much that is better (especially TB!)!

MW> If the next version of TB were modified to act on the whole link
MW> instead of just the strict-interpretation subset I don't think it
MW> would break any existing behavior.

I think this would create other problems, but it could be tried.  Put
me in the 'I doubt it' column.

MW> And now I'm quite confused about the double-quotes in the registry
MW> thing. I thought this was just the thing it was supposed to fix up. Do
MW> you have a url for one where it does make a difference?

Yes, I'd like to know this too!

Warmest tropical wishes,

A blind gynecologist can read lips.

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