Hello Luc,

On Tuesday, March 4, 2003 at 18:23 GMT +0100, clairvoyants were
mystified when Luc [L] conjured:

JA>> =====[Begin Sample Quasi-template]=====
JA>> %IF:'<some condition>'='<Russian identifier>
L>  I  was looking for this a long time but i still have a question: what
L>  &  how  should  i  use the 'some condition' ?

The only way this will work is if there is something common in all
Russian messages, but not in any English message.  Perhaps it is a
character set, or some X-header.  Likewise, if there is something
common for all English messages that is never in a Russian message,
again you'd be ok.

Once we have something like that, then you can use a regular
expression (or someother macro) and compare it to what I called the
<Russian Identifier>.

Of course if you can't find some common difference for the two
languages, you'd have to apply the appropriate template manually or
use AB templates as Luc suggested.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

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