Hello Ann,

On or about Saturday, March 08, 2003 at 02:41:42GMT +0000 (which was
9:41 PM in the tropics where I live) Anne posted:

MA>> Well, I hope they realise it's not a thought worth entertaining. :)

Amen brother!

A> The interview on Marek's site here http://www.thebat.cz/interview.htm
A> seems to imply it's one they are going for:

A> Q. There is a rumor floating around that TB will include a usenet
A> news reader. Is this true?

A> A. I think so. We still have not decided on what it will look like
A> - as a plug-in or as a built-in function...

Oh puhleeze, say it aint so!  I paid good money for Agent for a good
newsreader _ONLY_!  I paid good money for TB! too, but because it is a
good MUA _ONLY_!  Let those who MUST have it all in one kludge it as
has already been done.

When will developers learn that single applications that do everything
for everyone are just the same as the garbage called 'Microsoft'
software?!?!  TB! works, the M$ all-in-one crap doesn't.

Warmest tropical wishes,

A Proctologist is a brain surgeon for politicians!

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