
Do you know anything about a port to Linux? I've been using Kylix and
BCB under Linux, porting Windows apps took about a day per app on
average. From what I understand TB is written in Delphi. Shouldn't be
that hard to port and would win a big market for Ritlabs.


Sunday, March 9, 2003, 4:11:13 PM, you wrote:
> Sunday, March 9, 2003, Ricardo M. Reyes wrote:

>> In the interview

>> http://www.thebat.cz/interview.htm

>> I found this question:

>> ,-----
| >>> Will v2.0 finally support threading by "References:"
| >>> headers only (i.e. there is no "in-reply-To:" header).
>> | Yes. We did not do it in the current version because of the message base format...
>> `-----

>> Does anybody know what they are talking about? :) I don't know of any
>> problem with threading by references. Do you?

> this interview is 3 years old and many of features promised for V2
> (like threading by reference, new msgbase format, TLS(SSL), S/MIME,
> viewer with proportional fonts, virus scanning etc.) were
> implemented already. V2 will be released this year and mainly will
> have full support for IMAP4, new filtering system, HTML Editor and
> as I know, redesigned interface.

Roberto Machorro

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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