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On Wednesday, March 12, 2003, Mike Alexander wrote...

TF>> I agree, Word should just call IE and let IE connect to the
TF>> internet. Alas, when I click on a URL in Word, my PFW says that
TF>> "Word" (not IE) is attempting to connnect to IP-address
TF>> so-and-so, port 80. That's all I know.

> It is because (now don't laugh!) some people use Word to design
> their web pages. Consequently, the link *has* to be live, otherwise
> it wouldn't work.

So why does Word even need to deal with the links? I do offline web
design, I would never use word, but I dare say some do... Does that
mean they cannot design a website because they have no internet
connection? What happens if I write a document that references a
website (not an html page, or the likes, just a plain old doc)... does
that need access to the web too? I think the reason that the firewall
is picking up that word is requesting web access is because of the
system call it is making. Word itself isn't attempting to make an
internet connection, but it is however making a system call to invoke
the related application. This indirectly would make Word the
application that requested access, although the firewall
miss-identified the actual program that is going to use the link. From
a guess, the firewall is likely to be looking out for certain calls to
the system library, like ShellExec, with an URL as an argument.

Before this continues going... as it has clearly gone out of the
bounds of tbudl... want to continue this thread over on tbot if you
want to go on?

- --
Jonathan Angliss

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