On Wednesday, March 26, 2003 at 12:39:02GMT -0600 (which was 1:39 PM where I live)
  Joseph N. wrote and made these points on the subject of "SOT:  mail servers":
JN> Anyone here care to venture an opinion on Merak and Postcast mail
JN> servers? Anyone have another to recommend? Mercury does not include XP
JN> among its supported O/Ss.

JN> (Seems to be getting tougher and tougher to send mail: first my ISP
JN> prevented me from using its SMTP server because my domain was not
JN> registered through them, and now some companies that use lookups are
JN> rejecting my mail because I'm using my web host's SMTP, which is
JN> listed as an open relay. Thus, my need for my own SMTP, and this
JN> request for opinions.)

  I'm pretty sure Mercury works on XP even though it doesn't say so.

Best regards,
Member of E-mailaholics International
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