* DZ-Jay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Some time around 6/2/03 14:05:04, I think I heard Carsten Thönges say:

> :: http://www.immer-international.de/tb_en/index.html#quotes_1
> :: (just modify the "|"s in nq2 to your own needs)

(don't you think that using :: as quote prefixes in mailing lists
is, erm, not the optimum *g*)

> Thanx, works pretty good, except that if I have the kludges visible,
> it will quote them too.

This is independent of the chosen method. In this case you'll get
the kludges with %QUOTES and with %QINCLUDE="nq".

> How do I modify it to exclude the kludges if any?

I think this is not possible.

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