Hi folks,

I have created an address book group with the idea of sending a single
email to all members of the group (ie. a mailing list).

When I am addressing an email, I can bring up the address picker and
by default it shows me all email addresses in my address book. If I
select the group at the top of the dialog, the list reduces to only
those who are group members.  This is all fine.

However, when I press F8 to work with the address book I can *either*
look at the group and its members *or* the top level of the address
book but _without_ the group members.  So, in theory, if I had twenty
groups and I wanted to browse through the address book to find an
email address, I would have to enter potentially all 20 groups to find

Now I see that TB! allows for addresses to be in multiple groups, so
why can't they also show up sans groups? (Ie. it copes with them being
in multiple places already.)

Also, as I am using the group for a mailing list, how do I deal with
the case where one person has 3 email addresses, but I wish to use a
specific one (which they nominated) for the maling list emails?



Using The Bat! v1.61
on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

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