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Hcl_8, [H8] wrote:

H8> I did not realize this but just found out that changes could lose
H8> defined color display.

H8> Since some contacts even do not have quoted text, I can use the new
H8> style to them. At the same time, I am still using the default
H8> quotestyle.

Sounds OK except that they may find it neat to send to everyone,
interesting quote prefixes, and not realizing the problems. :) Things
therefore get messy and it's really unnecessary that this should be so.
I wish this feature were not introduced in other clients. It's because
of this standard quote prefix why TB!'s editor is able to reflow quoted
text etc. If everyone chooses their own prefix then chaos ensues.

I see that Forte Agent not only allows a customised prefix, but allows
one to customise which characters are recognised as quote prefixes ( a
fix to an unnecessary problem ... not really a good fix since who knows
what character the sender may have up their sleeve). It's a good thing
that '.' is used to signify the end of a sentence and nothing else.

H8> Yes, I meant indent. But how to include it in template?

No. You cannot make your quoted text appear indented. Not without
jumping hoops through the construction of a complex regex macro.

H8> It is not a matter of ugly, but a matter of new styles.

H8> And I hope one day The Bat! will also offer different letter styles
H8> like Incredimail.

Yes, it will. <sigh>

Again, this opens another can of worms and it's best to do this only
when the recipient is known not to mind such formatted text.

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