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Hi Kenneth,

On Thursday, July 03, 2003 at 17:36 GMT -0400, Kenneth S. Rhee [KSR]
wrote in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] :

KSR> ... I definitely prefer top posting over bottom posting (or I
KSR> appreciate people who use top posting), and that seems to be a
KSR> consensus in that group.

I still prefer inserting new text following trimmed segments of quoted
text to help refresh one's memory of the original discussion. In Bat
groups like this, including the "mid:"; line helps if someone didn't
see the original post and wants to read it in its entirety.

Top posting or bottom posting, IMHO, wastes bandwidth and forces one
to hop back and forth between the new message and the old text,
sometimes repeatedly, to follow the writer's train of thought.

KSR> Perhaps as more of us migrate over to such technology, perhaps
KSR> the guideline might needs to be modified somewhat or we cannot
KSR> frown on others who might prefer top posting over bottom posting.

When emailing someone's cell phone address I purposefully keep it
short and simple and eliminate extraneous things like my signature

I don't think reading mailing lists like this is a cell phone or PDAs
forte. It doesn't seem reasonable to have everyone tailor posting to
accommodate these devices when most participants read this group via
PC. Private email is another matter.

- --
Kevin Coates
Dewitt, NY USA

Using TB! v1.63 Beta/11 under Windows XP 5.1.2600 SP1



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