Hello Allie,

Thanks so much for your reply to my post.  I'll play around with the
labeling feature and see if I can get some of these graphics to speak
properly.  Being able to see the lines connecting threaded messages
must be really interesting -- I've always thought that somehow
illustrating the concepts of threads would help people understand how
mailing lists function.

I'm sure I'll have many questions as I continue my journey with the
bat, but for now, I'll go and try to get things working based on your

Again, thanks for your help.


Wednesday, July 9, 2003, 8:20:50 PM, you wrote:

AM> Hash: SHA1

AM> Steve M. Sawczyn, [SMS] wrote:

SMS>> Greetings, I am a blind computer user who recently re-installed the
SMS>> bat.  I say re-installed because when I had last tried The bat, I
SMS>> found that it didn't work well with my screen reader.  A lot has
SMS>> changed since then, both with the bat and with the screen reading
SMS>> technology and I'm finding that the Bat is a lot more accessible to
SMS>> blind users like myself.

AM> This is good to know. :)

SMS>> Be that as it may, I'm finding that I still have trouble accessing
SMS>> parts of the program and am hoping that someone on this list might
SMS>> be able to give me a hand.

AM> Let's see. I'll give it a shot.

SMS>> .... In Outlook, threads, or conversations as they like to call
SMS>> them, are shown by a little minus symbol to the left of the message
SMS>> listing. When the thread is expanded, the minus changes to a plus.
SMS>> Anyway, with my screen reader, I am not detecting any sort of
SMS>> symbol when I change to the thread view.

AM> The symbols are actually there.

AM> When threading by references:
AM>  - A plus sign is in front of a message starting a collapsed thread or
AM>    sub-thread.
AM>  - A minus sign is in front of each message within an expanded thread
AM>    and they're each connected by a line.

AM> When the thread by subject:
AM>  - A plus sign is in front of messages starting collapsed threads.
AM>  - A minus sign is in front of messages starting an expanded thread. The
AM>    other messages in the thread are connected by broken lines.

AM> It's a bummer that you can't see this.

SMS>> How can I tell how many messages are in a thread?

AM> If you open the column view configuration panel, you'll see columns that
AM> can be added. Two of them are 'Total Messages' and 'Unread Messages'.
AM> These are included by default in the column settings when in threaded
AM> by references view.

AM> The 'Total Message' column displays the total number of messages within
AM> a thread or subthread.

AM> The 'Unread Messages' column displays the total number of unread
AM> messages within a thread or sub-thread.

SMS>> Are threads actually colapsed, or does the bat handle them
SMS>> differently than Outlook in that respect? Are there keyboard
SMS>> commands which might assist me with thread navigation?

AM> Yes.

AM> CTRL-* expands all threads.

AM> CTRL-Shift-* collapses all threads. This can take a while to occur in
AM> threaded mode when there are a lot of messages in the folder.

AM> CTRL-Alt-<right arrow> moves you to the next unread message within a
AM> thread. When all unread messages within the thread are read, it will
AM> move you to the next unread message in subsequent threads. It does so
AM> working downwards in the threaded message list and when it reaches the
AM> end of the list, it starts from the beginning again.

AM> CTRL-Alt-<left arrow> moves to to the previously unread message in a
AM> thread. I hardly use this one.

AM> Alt-<left arrow> moves you to the previously read message.

AM> Alt-<right arrow> moves you to more recently viewed messages, i.e., the
AM> opposite of Alt-Right. This allows you to browse recently read messages,
AM> even though they may be scattered among threads.

SMS>> I am having trouble figuring out if a message has been read,
SMS>> replied to, forwarded, remains unread, etc...  In outlook, this
SMS>> information is represented with a graphical symbol which I can
SMS>> "label."

AM> TB! does a similar thing. The 'message flags' column displays this
AM> graphical symbol, so be sure that this column is enabled in your message
AM> list display. When viewing threads by references, it's the second column
AM> from the left when using the default column configuration for reference
AM> threading view.

AM> The graphical symbol changes when the message is read, replied to,
AM> forwarded etc. The graphical symbol changes in a way that by looking at
AM> it I can tell a message was read, replied to and forwarded. There are
AM> separate graphical symbols to show these combinations.

SMS>> Lastly, for now, I have a question about column sizing.  I went
SMS>> into column view and saw that I could adjust the size of columns by
SMS>> entering a number i.e. 150 next to subject.  What is this number
SMS>> actually referencing?

AM> It references the width of the selected column in pixels.

SMS>> Also, is there a way, not dragging, which I could use to resize
SMS>> columns?

AM> Yes. When the column configuration panel is open, the list of columns on
AM> the right indicates those columns which are actually being used. Select
AM> each and then adjust the pixel width that appears.

AM> I hope this helps. Be sure to ask if you need further assistance and
AM> good luck!

AM> - --
AM>  -= allie_M =- | List Moderator
AM> _

AM> Version: PGP SDK 3.0.2

AM> iQA/AwUBPwyxY1fJ62ArBxfiEQLh5gCcCL/kRmuM9z/sNdX/MRZQ+1rLqHwAoIk/
AM> =FMzd

AM> ________________________________________________
AM> Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:
AM> http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/TBUDLInfo.html

Best regards,
 Steve                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

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