
I am on the board of a society that has a small office with two
employees. Being on the board is a voluntary job though. In order to
facilitate the two employees, I've set up a server that has the mail
on it. The server is a NetWare 6 server and the volume containing the
mail directories is mapped to drive Q: for the users.
Each user has their own named directory there, ie. Q:\Maurice for me
and Q:\Yvette for one of our employees.

The employee that does most of the mail work, Yvette, works on a
Windows 2000 workstation, which I've set up for her. She doesn't
really have an account with her name, but manages the general account
for our society. As a member of the board, I need to be able to
monitor that account as well, so in Win2k I've created multiple users
and set it up so that besides Yvette, I can also access the mail in
that directory.

At this office, I'm running 1.63r and not the beta by the way, as
listed in my sig.

Recently, because of problems I was having with the server hardware, I
was forced to move the mail from the NetWare server to the harddrive
of Yvette's Win2k workstation. I did this while being logged on as
myself because I needed the administrator rights to fix things in
several places.

After changing the apropriate values in the Registry ('Working
Directory'), I went back into The Bat! and all was well.

Then I switched to Yvette's login, changed the registry for her as
well and fired up The Bat! again, but now most of my folder structure
was missing. I was able to get them back using ctrl-alt-shift-l.
However, this only brings backs the folders and not their settings.

I have not yet tried to see what happens if I use my own account yet
(had to leave for work when this happened to me), but it does strike
me as odd that those settings should be gone when no beta version is
involved anywhere.

Any ideas?


Using The Bat! v1.63 Beta/11 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

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