At the weekend I re-formatted/partitioned my hard-drives, re-loaded
software and data without too much grief.

I changed the partition structure so when I restored TB! files I had to
point TB! to the new paths. No problem. Unfortunately I seem to have
'lost' all my Smart Bat entries :-( TB! is still looking for them on
(and trying to write new ones to) the old partition path.

The entries are still in TB! directory (in xxxx.txt) but TB! is not
looking for them there.

Any ideas?


http://www.residues.info and http://www.magiric.com

Flying with The Bat!  www.ritlabs.com/the_bat 
Windows 2000 Pro 2195 Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

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