On Sunday, August 3, 2003, 5:38:58 AM, Thorvald Neumann wrote:

TN> Is there an easy way of copying a lot of filters to another account?

Highlight the first filter you want to copy, & copy it (either using the
right-click menu or Ctrl-C). Open Notepad & Paste it in there. Now
highlight the next filter & copy & paste it to Notepad too. Continue
until you have all the filters in the Notepad document. Now highlight
the whole lot, & press Ctrl-C to copy it. Go to the account where you
want those filters to be, & open the Sorting Office. Highlight the
"Incoming" (or whichever's appropriate) & press Ctrl-V to paste. All the
filters will be copied there.

AFAIK there's no faster way to get all the filters *into* Notepad, but
maybe someone else knows of one.


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