Thursday, August 7, 2003, 7:11:28 PM, Wolffe wrote:
W> Or you could write a small script (perl?) that listens on a
W> specific port. When a message (email) is received on that
W> port, it is stored, the script forks a new process to open a
W> SSH tunnel, the message gets piped through, the tunnel is
W> closed and the forked process dies. You just need to set the
W> SMTP (send) port of TheBat! to the port you are listening on.
W> You could then set the script to run as a service.

That's not a "small" script.  It would have to handle the
receiving part of the SMTP protocol when TB! sends the e-mail
out. And when the script forwards the e-mail, it would have to
handle the sending part of the SMTP protocol.  Your suggestion
sounds like all too much fun! :) Unfortunately, I'm not going to
take the time to write a remailer.

I looks like the answer is TB! can't do it without a feature
enhancement or two. Bill McCarthy said in his post that he's
requested pre-outbox filtering.  That gets me part of the way

I'd like to add an additional request for external programs:

   Requirement - Add the ability to specify how long TB! should
   wait for the external program to execute before sending the

   [I know this is a timing hack, but it's simpler than trying to
   add prompt/response pair processing in conjunction with an
   external program. ]

Where do I add this to the wish list?

Dave Kennedy

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