On Wednesday, 3 September 2003, at 8:07:36 p.m., Roelof Otten wrote:

AJ>> I thought for sure v2 would fix this problem.  Apparently not!

AJ>> I add a sixth account to my group and it shows up just fine for a
AJ>> while until, at some point, it disappears again!

> Accounts are stored in the registry. Do you run a tool take restores
> your registry?

Not that I am aware of?  I've played around with group consists a lot
in the past and it only seems to be now with my sixth account that I
am having problems.  I've just tried a new approach - I added *two*
more accounts to my group, in the hopes that the one I want will stay!



Using The Bat! v2.00
on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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