
> > 1. I create a new folder in The Bat. It is shown correct within GMX, but
> > I have to restart The Bat to see the folder.
> Have you tried the IMAP folder management dialog, it should find the new
> folder.

Hmmm... I created the folder with the folder management :)

> > 2. Existing folders using umlauts are shown very funny within the Bat
> > (e.g. Pers&APY-nlich instead of Persönlich)
> This has already been reported, it is a known issue and it will
> hopefully be addressed.


> > 3. I cann't create subfolders. Is that not supportet by GMX?
> Yes, as far as I know, GMX currently does not support folder nesting.

Bad :(
Without subfolders it will be a little bit confusing...
> > BTW... What is the correct setting to get all messages and than delete
> > it it at the server automatically?
> I can't help you with that. What you want is like emulating POP3 but via
> IMAP with multiple folders. Perhaps somebody else can help.

I don't have a flatrate, so I often get all messages and answer some time
And IMAP is the only way to filter mails at the server.. (and read them
within a mail client ;)  )
And I can store them at the harddisk.... There is a little bit more space
than at the server *g*


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