Friday, September 5, 2003, 4:37:37 AM, MAU wrote:
M> No, I really can't. Those who know me have probably guessed
M> that I was "kinda joking". I have no such filter.

Too bad.  :( It would be handy, huh?

M> It is true that I have thought quite a bit about it because I
M> do not want to waste even a few seconds on messages that say
M> nothing "relevant" in the first 20 lines or so.

How about applying Bayesian logic to this?  Can filters call an
external program or a plug-in?

The biggest problem is what I find interesting varies from day to
day. The 4x4 discussion on TBOT is interesting and humorous for
me to read even though I don't have anything to contribute on
that topic.  And speaking of TBOT.... I'll copy this over there.

Dave Kennedy

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