
On 08-09-2003 17:17, you [P] wrote in
P> Trying to figure out why I would want to even consider using something
P> other than Xnews -- kind of grows on people like TB! does.

I come from Xnews.

I would like to have all the same place.

I prefer the spell check, QT, macros, etc in TB. Also I only need to set
up a bunch of stuff one.

Binaries are not good with MyGate (AFAIK) and some filtering may be
easier with XNews.

My conclusion: I will use MyGate for text groups until Ritlabs makes a
good (also binaries) newsreader for TB.

<greeting> Best regards </greeting> 
<author> Peter Fjelsten </author>   
<thebat version> 2.00.6 </thebat version>
<os> Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1</os>

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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