Hallo Dave,

On Tue, 9 Sep 2003 19:57:38 -0500GMT (10-9-03, 2:57 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

DG> I've been noticing a strange thing recently. It probably started
DG> sometime within the last couple of betas and is now happening on
DG> v2 as well. All emails from Allie Martin and a couple of others
DG> (Stuart Hemming and Chema Berian, perhaps others as well) appear
DG> in my message list with no subject, and the body of the message
DG> includes part of the kludges even though I have not
DG> ctrl-shft-k'd. See an example:

I've checked your example messages and over here they appear correct.
Could you check where your POPFile places it's headers? Because it
looks like something is placing an empty line somewhere between your
headers. That would cause TB to think that that's where the message
body starts.
Are the failing mails always from the same persons? I couldn't help
noticing that Allie, Stuart and Chema all have a X-Spam-Processed:
header in their kludges. I suppose that is what makes your POPFile (or
whatever you're using as extras) puke.

Groetjes, Roelof

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