Hello all,

  Novell made there GroupWise API's available for other software
  developers. A GroupWise plugin for The Bat! would be great! When I
  can connect The Bat! to a GroupWise Server I don't need two
  clients anymore (GroupWise client and The Bat!) And since GroupWise
  is the second most used Enterprise Collaboration solution it should
  be wanted by more batters (I think)

  Also a Linux version of The Bat! (ok, this isn't a small request) :)

  I want to drop Windows, but The Bat! is keeping me from doing that. I
  read that The Bat! under Wine isn't that great. Maybe some other
  Batters have tried this?

  Last request. I'd like to see a Calender, like there was in some
  previous beta's. That calender should have CAP support. (Calender
  Access Protocol). It a new protocol that most calender, e-mail
  client developers are going to use. (except MS because of marketing
  reasons). It lets you send appointment and other calender stuff
  between different e-mail clients. Very neat :)

  Until now, only GroupWise 6 and 6.5 supports it, but more are coming!

Best regards,

Ricardo van Eck
The Netherlands

Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows XP  5.1 Build  2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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