Hi Jack,

Sunday, September 14, 2003, 12:51:34 AM, you wrote:

> Whenever I assign a sound file (.wav) to be played to alert me to a
> scheduled event, all I get is the Reminder window/notification.

confirmed on Win98SE and TB! v2.00.6

> No sound whatsoever.   No matter how I configure Notification
> Parameters (I've tried every conceivable combination).

confirmed again. TB! seems to forget whatever you enter in the
notification settings.

> Additionally, I can't get programs (*any* program) to run when I
> assign the event to the Action, etc.

confirmed. Only "Actions -- Add -- Open linked documents" seems to

> Any ideas about why I'm only getting the Reminder window, and nothing
> else?

Just guessing: A bug? If anyone knows a work around, I'd be interested
as well ...

still testing,

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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