On Thursday, September 18, 2003, 7:58:26 PM, ETM wrote:

E> My ISP called this morning to tell me the reason is, they have
E> blocked any "Bat" program messages. Made sense to me because I know
E> you use "Bat" e-mail program. They told most spam comes on "Bat"
E> program, and they have blocked it, and can't unblock the whole
E> program, for just little old me.

If they'd done any research at all, they'd have discovered that TB isn't
a spamming program, that most spam comes from Outlook (have they blocked
Outlook messages?), & that trying to control spam by blocking certain
email clients is a very dumb idea in the first place.

The Ritlabs page on TB as a spam-tool appears to have disappeared -
anyone know where it might now be found?


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