Hello Claude,

Thursday, September 25, 2003, 3:33:56 PM, you wrote:

PL>> Hi all,

PL>> Is any one using Screen readers such as Jaws For Windows 
PL>> (http://www.freedomscientific.com) or Window Eyes (http://www.gwmicro.com)
PL>> with TheBat?

CR>     Personally I used to work with Jaws and nextly I will work with Window-Eyes.
CR> It's true than we can use the bat! with jaws or any screen
CR> readers if we create custom settings a bit.
CR> But I'm not totally aggree with Thomas Fernandez when he said
CR> that jaws works perfectly with the bat!.
CR> In fact we can use it but I think we could greatly improve
CR> the accessibility of the bat! by making it Ms accessibility
CR> compliant in order to use the Ritlabs Html engine or if we can
CR> identify with tooltips all icons in the program.

With some exception, I'm finding that the tool tips read fine.
Incorporating MSAA in TB's html engine would be neat, but it'd
probably increase the size of TB and, well, I kind of like the fact
that is't not that big.

MM>> How do you read text in Microsoft Internet
MM>> Explorer, there is also no cursor there.

CR> Yes, but in this case screen readers rely on Microsoft Active
CR> accessibility (you can obtain information at
CR> http://www.microsoft.com/enable or msdn).
CR> Or you could either : 
CR> - customize the html component used in the bat! enabling the
CR> cursor caret. Then we could be able to read html message and
CR> scroll them because screen readers could then track the cursor properly,
CR> - or letting optionnally the ability to activate the
CR> Microsoft Html renderer engine.

Incorporating the ability to activate the Microsoft engine would be
neat, but it should definitely be an option, an option disabled by
default.  I wonder what the security implications of this might be?

CR> And it would also be very interesting if we could access to
CR> the toolbars, the mailticker  and so on...

Using my Window Eyes cursor, I can access the toolbars fine.  Toolbar
access, especially in MS Office, is greatly assisted by incorporation
of MSAA.

CR> I truely hope that Ritlabs will make an effort in this direction.

I'm sure they will -- they seem very interested in feedback from
customers and in genuinely improving their product.

Best regards,
 Steve                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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