
On 14-10-2003 23:13, you [C] wrote in

C> In version 2, when no message is selected, the preview pane in empty
C> and grey. Maybe I'm weird, but the empty preview pane is unnerving.

<aol>Me, too</aol>

C> It would be nice to have some content there, like current statistics.
C> For example, it could have the total number of folders and messages,
C> the time until the next check for e-mail, the last few lines of the
C> account log, the number of messages waiting to be sent, size (in MB)
C> of the message database, upcoming scheduled items, etc.

Very good idea. Eudora had this.

<greeting> Best regards </greeting> 
<author> Peter Fjelsten </author>   
<thebat version> 2.00.22 </thebat version>
<os> Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1</os>

Current version is 2.01 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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