G'day TBUDL Members,

I have recently updated to Version 2.01 (and registered it) and am currently exploring 
the various options - probably a life long program I expect <GRIN> as I never found 
them all in my previous versions.

I don't normally use HTML for e-mail but decided to experiment with the HTML/Text 
option to see how it worked.  Actually composing a message worked fine, I could insert 
all the pretty fonts, change background colour, insert pictures in line and so on.

Then I attempted to run my spell check - it doesn't appear to work at all with the 
HTML Editor although both options - "Check entire text" and "Check before send/queue" 
works fine in both the Plain Text (Windows) and Plain Text (MicroEd) editors.  Is this 
a known issue, or am I doing something wrong?

I then noticed that every auto-save of my message (set at the 40 second default) was 
creating a new HTML attachment to my message, plus saving an additional copy of each 
graphic file so that I ended up with multiple HTML files each progressively a little 
larger as my message progressed.  Then when I hit the "Put letter in Outbox" button 
nothing happened.  The same with the "Send the letter" button - nothing.  Manually 
switching to the Outbox showed my message was there but with the draft hourglass 
symbol displayed.  The only way I can convince the message to send is to manually 
click on the Hourglass symbol in the outbox to delete the draft status and then send 
manually.  Is this the expected behaviour?  I think that I read in earlier messages to 
the group that The Bat's HTML implementation in v2.0 was a bit buggy, but as I was not 
planning an immediate move to v2.0 in view of all the other teething problems I didn't 
take any notice.

I have confirmed that the recipient received the final version plus 5 different draft 
versions of my message -only the final was initially visible in Outlook Express v6, 
but the others show up when viewing the message source, 6 copies of one graphic 
(inserted at the start of the message) and 4 copies of the graphic inserted at the end 
- all copies of the graphics appeared both inline plus queued at the end of the 
message as well.

The HTML Editor would also not allow me to insert my Quick Template signature, carried 
over from my old 1.62r version, but it works fine with the other two editors.

Forgive me if I am running over old ground - all the current messages headed as 
relating to Version 2.01 seem to only relate to enquiries about using PGP signatures.

Any advise and/or guidance would be appreciated.

 Bob MoŽŽis
Friday, 17 October 2003
Using The Bat! v2.01 on Windows 98 4.10 Build  2222 A 
Composed Using the Plain Text (Windows) Editor

Current version is 2.01 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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