Hello Ken,

Monday, October 20, 2003, 11:43:42 PM, you wrote:

kg> Paul Smithson wrote:
>> Is it possible to synchronize my copy of The Bat on my PC with
>> Versamail on the Palm?

>> Sometimes I want to be able to collect my e-mail on the Palm, deal
>> with it, and then when I get back home update my desktop with both the
>> send and received mail.

kg> I don't think there is a way to do what you are asking, but I had the
kg> same desire, and here is how I dealt with it:

kg> First off, make sure you are leaving a copy of messages on the server
kg> when you check your mail with your PDA.

kg> In VersaMail, there is an option to Bcc all outgoing messages to a
kg> certain account.  Don't put the same address that the account is based
kg> on here.  Logically, you should be able to Bcc yourself, but for some
kg> reason VersaMail doesn't like this (I've had problems).  I enter a
kg> different e-mail account here.  All mail sent from this account will
kg> also send a copy to the account I entered.

kg> In The Bat, I set up a filter to process all of the received copies of
kg> my 'Sent from VersaMail' messages and route them to the corresponding
kg> Sent Mail folder.

kg> This isn't perfect - and the time/date stamps are often messed up
kg> (VersaMail can't adjust for this), but it works.

kg> Hope this helps.

Thanks for that Ken. I'm going to give it a go and see how I get on.

It is just a shame they don't do a version of The Bat for the Palm.
I'd buy it like a shot.

Best regards,

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