Hello Martin Webster,

on 2003-10-26, 00:27, you wrote (at least in part):
DH>> October and the half price offer for current TB! users are coming to
DH>> a close. Can anyone give a good reason why I should upgrade? And is
DH>> the current version stable?

MW> De'ja Vu? Just go for it and support your favourite e-mail client!

Oops, my previous msg was meant to be a reply to this one...
Referring to some of the msgs from Jonathan Angliss which came in
twice in half an hour. Both quite old also, from 2003-10-21.

Kind regards,
ouwehand dot net
Peter Ouwehand
- - - - -
Using The Bat! V2.01.7
On Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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