Hello Jean,

Wednesday, October 29, 2003, 8:56:59 AM, you wrote:

> I'd like to stop messages:
> 1 - With Sex, Viagra, money..whith addresses unknown,
> 2 - a few with addresses known.

go to the Sorting Office (Menu: Account/Sorting Office) and there to the 'Selective 
Download' Filters. Create a new one, and type in your words in the 'Signal Strings' 
field (like Sex, Viagra, money). In the 'Advanced' Tab, I would advise to have it on 
'Ignore' for beginning to see how the filters work :-).
This will kill all those mails, no matter from whom they come, though.

I am not sure if you can sort already on the Server for Known / Unknown senders. But 
there are plenty of people on that list, that can do magic with TB!. :-) 

If it's not so much about stopping them already on the server, but just catching SPAM 
(after download), then I would strongly advice to use a SPAM-filter tool, instead of 
using the normal Filtering in TB!. May it be Bayesit-PLUGIN for TB! or a tool that you 
will have to install, like SpamPal or POPfile).

SpamPal: http://www.spampal.org.uk/
POPfile: http://popfile.sourceforge.net/
BayesIt: http://klirik.narod.ru/usefuls/bayesiteng.htm


"She was only a telegrapher's daughter, but she did-it-ah-did-it!"

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