Hi Tony,

On Thursday, November 06, 2003, at 8:51:12 AM PST, you wrote:

> I can't believe your moaning about an always on connection.

Was I "moaning" about my BB connection?  Or was I saying that I felt
there could/should be a way to easily toggle online/offline...without
either tedious account by account settings changes or clumsy work

> And there is a simple "One Click" solution that stops TB! polling
> and a simple "One Click" Solution that starts it polling again.

> Little red cross, top right hand of the title bar. One click shuts
> TB! down. Little yellow and black icon on the desktop, one click
> restarts TB! again.

That seems a rather flippant remark considering that some of us may
find a use for working *with* TB! while in an "offline" mode.  I've
already described my reasons for doing so in other messages.

In any event, why not offer us a simple toggle switch? (without the
need for the still rather clumsy work around switching between DUN and
LAN mode as described by others here)? Even when I used Calypso for a
short while a few years ago, there was an easy "pause all accounts"
option for stopping periodic polling. Even that abomination OE has
such a "work offline" switch. Why shouldn't TB! offer such a simple
and convenient option?


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